Starwaders products are distributed by the reseller Share*it . When clicking the Checkout button, Share*it will complete the transaction and deliver the product(s).
(Free products can be downloaded directly from the Download link on the relevant free product page.)
Choose the jigsaw puzzle format that suits your level of expertise.
Make your choice(s)by ticking the block(s) and then click the Checkout icon.
What do you get for a set costing only $8?
You get all the four jigsaw puzzles representing the polar skies and the equatorial skies.
The difference between sets is the level of expertise required to build them as explained here .
Note: The Shareit Checkout automatically INCLUDES an Extended Download Option which allows the buyer to download the file for up to 2 years instead of the normal few days. This option is not usually applicable to these products and must be deselected from the Shareit Checkout basket after proceeding through this checkout below by clicking on the Waste Bin on the right and then clicking the Update link.